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Friday, May 14, 2010

Too Good to be True?

Too Good to be True?

Some of you may think that what is written here is too good to be true. However, as you can read in other sections, we are sharing with you how to use your Inner Heart. The heart is special. As is known in every culture, the real truth lies within the heart because no being can manipulate your heart. With your own Inner Heart, which you will be able to use just a few months after your first day of learning Reiki and Kundalini, you will be able to observe on your own everything that we mention here, everything that we share with you. What we share is not a concept or a theory, but real the truth. You can prove everything that we have mentioned with your own Inner Heart.



Many people know about Yoga, yet don’t understand what Yoga is really about. The Sanskrit word Yoga has a clear definition. It is Union with the divine. However, knowing is different from realizing. Yoga is not about getting to the highest dimension or achieving the most. It is about returning to the Creator. As the Creator is the Mightiest being, there is no way you can get or sneak your way to the Creator without the help of the Creator.

Up there, there is a place called the Void because nothing exists there except true selves. The Creator and all of the true selves, including yours, are there. You and others are still separated from the Creator because the Creator is very pure while you and others are not. As the Creator is very pure, the light radiates continuously from the Creator. If you are trying to bring yourself closer to the Creator, you are actually pushing against the direct light radiating from the Creator. Of course, there is absolutely no power that can be used to penetrate or sneak through the direct light from the Creator. What you need to realize is that the light from the Creator is not simply light. It is love. The Creator loves each one of us completely. The Creator always wants to give the best, including to have us return to the Creator completely. All you need to do is simply to open your heart to receive the Love of the Creator and at that very moment you will be purified and brought closer to the Creator. The moment you can receive the Love of the Creator completely, you will return completely to the Creator. You will be HOME.


Most people do their spiritual practices with medium term goals to reach ascension, to reach the 4th, 5th or higher dimension. The concept is to ascend one or two dimensions higher until they reach the final destiny. However, if you decide to use this concept, you should know that it will never bring you to your final and ultimate destiny. First, you need to know how many dimensions you will have to go through. There are 365 learning dimensions plus other special dimensions. So, if you can ascend one dimension higher in 30 to 40 years, you will need more than 12,000 years to go through all of the dimensions. And this is still the good news. The bad news is that when you get to the highest dimension, you will not be able to go into the Void because only the true self is allowed to enter. Ascending through different dimensions is done in the form of intermediate consciousness, not as the true self.

And although you can finally shift into your true self consciousness, you will simply return to square one. Your true self and the true self of other beings are already in the Void this very moment and previously. Returning HOME is the journey for your true self. So, don’t worry about your outer layer, the physical body in the physical dimension. As your true self is already in the Void, it is the matter of your true self to return to the Creator to fulfill your ultimate destiny.


So, as the ultimate destiny is not about going to the highest place, but to return to the Creator, only the Love of the Creator can take you HOME. You have to receive the Love of the Creator and let the Love of the Creator work on you completely. The Love of the Creator is the mightiest power that can cleanse, purify and provide all of your needs in an instant. The Love of the Creator is the only power that can take you HOME.

Spiritual Journey in Brief

Spiritual Journey in Brief

Spiritual growth to us simply means how to be closer to the Divine Source (the Creator) in your daily life, to be healthier, more peaceful, calmer and happier and to attain the ultimate goal of your life, enlightenment and then Yoga. We are sure that the heart is the key for only your heart can receive the blessing from the Divine Source. Blessing from the Divine Source is the only source of true peace, calmness and happiness. Blessing from the Divine Source is the mightiest power, so that it is the best help you can receive for your every need not only in your daily life, but also for your spiritual growth!

As the ultimate destiny is to return to the Divine Source, it is not the goal only for certain groups of people who believe that they are interested in the spiritual journey. It is the real goal of life itself. Then, returning to the Divine Source is not about how much you can do or how much you know. It is not about going to a higher or better place. It is about going closer to the Source of your True Self. So, what matter is how much you love the Divine Source. You need to realize this goal in your daily life so that you can really live your life to be closer to the Divine Source. You need to really live your life to share the love with others and to love the Divine Source more before you can reach the ultimate goal.

We start all the learning with Reiki. The word Reiki may sound very familiar to you. From the first degree, the attunement of Reiki already opens the whole sushumna from your crown chakra all the way down through your base chakra and connects you to divine energy and to the earth. The second degree awakens your Kundalini instantly and safely (details can be read in Reiki and Kundalini sections), and the fire of the Kundalini reaches at least the level of your navel chakra. The third degree attunement opens all of your main chakras, and brings the fire of your Kundalini higher.

Then, there is a Kundalini workshop where you can learn different techniques for your Kundalini: From a simple technique that can help your Kundalini to uncoil more to the advanced technique that stimulates the core of your Kundalini to rise faster, yet safely. In the Meditation workshop, a simple but very effective technique will help you to stimulate your pineal gland, the master gland in your body that controls other glands, to aid you in your meditation. The pineal gland is also the only gland that can produce melatonin and endorphin hormones. Melatonin regulates the sleep/wake cycle and endorphin is a hormone that helps your brain be calm without any negative side effects. You also learn how to connect yourself better to your higher consciousness and a very simple but advanced meditation technique so you can be a tool of the Divine Source.

Then, you are ready for something more important, the Inner Heart workshop. Have you heard that you are supposed to listen to and follow your Inner Heart for the Inner Heart always knows the truth, the real truth according to the will of the Divine Source? A secret of all ages is to be revealed, it is how to activate and listen to your Inner Heart, something that no one or no book has taught before. The Inner Heart is the core of your spirit (true self, higher self, super consciousness, atman) within you. The Inner Heart is the real spark of the Divine Source, the part that is always pure, untouched by impurities. The Inner Heart, as the spark of the Divine Source, always knows what Divine Source wants from you. By connecting to your Inner Heart the way you live your life is revealed to you so you still have enough time to correct your life, for the Inner Heart knows exactly the way the Divine Source wants your life to be. As your Inner Heart is activated and strengthened, your heart also opens bigger. You will feel real joy when the divine blessing fills your heart and you can enjoy your connection to Divine Source. You are reborn on earth!

Next, the journeys of your self in terms of spirit, soul and physical self are revealed in multidimensional ways in the Spiritual Advancement workshop. Starting from this point, we will not teach you any longer. We will guide you to understand the truth by yourself by using your Inner Heart. This is the learning for your brain, soul and spirit. You can observe how much your spirit grows within this two-day retreat workshop. You will understand the purpose of life and what you should do to fulfill your ultimate destiny.

From here you are then ready for something people have been talking about, but few have really achieved. You will be able to reach your soul consciousness and then your true self consciousness. Here, you will not simply know or communicate with your higher consciousness. You will be conscious as your higher consciousness and understand more about your true self. Not until you realize more about your true self can you know more about the Source of your true self, the Divine Source. You will realize more about the Divine Source, how you can really love the Divine Source.

Is it Kundalini?

Is it Kundalini?

Nowadays, Kundalini is a hot topic. Many people are talking about and practicing the Kundalini. However, you have to be careful because not every movement of energy along your sushumna or the heat at the lower part of your body or energy in your crown chakra is Kundalini.

The energy moving along your sushumna can be another type of chi. For example, if you are channeling energy or drawing some Reiki symbols at the sushumna, you will feel some energy movement at your sushumna. If you draw the symbols or channel energy to the chakras along the sushumna, the sensation will last longer as you have stimulated the chakra and there will be a lot of activity around that area. Heat from the lower part of your body can also be caused by the activity of one of your chakras, or your Kundalini may be stimulated, but not awakened yet. When you try to check the energy on top of your head, be aware that your crown chakra is located there. So, when you check the energy on the top of your head, you will feel the energy of the crown chakra.

How can you know whether the energy you are feeling or sensing is Kundalini? If your Kundalini is really awakened and the whole sushumna is already opened, you should be able to feel the energy around 1,5 - 2 meters (4,5 - 6 feet) above your head and you can feel that this energy sprays from the top of your head. If you make a cutting movement across the energy fountain, you can feel that you are cutting an upward flowing current. The best and most accurate way of checking your Kundalini is, of course, by using your Inner Heart. Only your Inner Heart knows the real truth. By using your Inner Heart, you will never get lost on your spiritual path.

Why Kundalini Awakening is Safe in Reiki?

Why Kundalini  Awakening is Safe in Reiki?

Some of you who have read or known about Kundalini may have heard about the problems that Kundalini can cause. These problems are often referred to as the Kundalini Syndrome.

First, it is important to know why Kundalini awakening may be dangerous. This is because the Kundalini is a huge and unlimited power. While it lies dormant, there is a shell holding all of this power within. The conventional way of awakening the Kundalini is by stimulating the Kundalini so that the shell can be broken. The Kundalini energy will also be able to open the nearest knot of the chakra, the knot of the base chakra. However, there is still no passage for the energy to go through along the sushumna and each chakra along the sushumna has a knot blocking the sushumna. Meanwhile, the awakened Kundalini energy is released continuously. As there is no passage for the energy to be released, the amount of energy within the body builds up creating stronger pressure, pushing everywhere. When the Kundalini energy presses against the stomach, for example, one will get stomach problems, if it presses against the chest it creates chest problems, and so forth.

None of these problems will happen to a Reiki practitioner. The Reiki level one attunement prepares you properly for the Kundalini awakening by:
  • Opening your whole sushumna from the crown chakra (the top chakra) to the base chakra (the lowest chakra).
  • Opening all of the chakra knots along your sushumna.
  • Connecting you to the divine energy which automatically regulates the Kundalini energy within your body.
As the whole sushumna is already open and so are all the chakra knots along your sushumna, the freed Kundalini energy can be released easily from your crown chakra. Divine energy also envelops and regulates the Kundalini energy so that the Kundalini energy within your body is very safe. With Reiki, your Kundalini awakening will not give you pain, only bliss.

Instant and Safe Kundalini Awakening

Instant and Safe Kundalini Awakening

The first level attunement of Reiki also consists of preparations for your Kundalini awakening. So, although you have not done any previous preparation for your Kundalini awakening, the Reiki level one attunement alone is more than adequate to prepare you for this. At the time you receive your second level attunement in Reiki, your Kundalini will be awakened instantly. After doing the technique on the same day, the Kundalini energy will burst out from your crown chakra around 1.5-2 meters (4,5 - 6 feet) above your crown chakra and the fire of your Kundalini will reach at least the level of your navel chakra (please see Reiki shaktipat illustration Video) . For more information you can read about Kundalini awakening in Reiki subsection in the Kundalini section.

If you are knowledgeable about Kundalini, you know what an instant and safe Kundalini awakening means. It normally takes decades of dedicated practice for the Kundalini to awaken. And although it takes such a long time to awaken the Kundalini, the Kundalini may still create different problems. However, in Reiki your Kundalini awakens instantly and without problems.

Although the awakening of the Kundalini in Reiki is instant, you will still have to experience the cleansing and purifying process of the Kundalini. To speed up this process, you will have to do different Kundalini exercises which are taught in the Kundalini workshop. These exercises will enable you to speed up the cleansing of different parts of your energy body and to raise the core of your Kundalini.

Kundalini and Reiki

Kundalini and Reiki

With Kundalini and Reiki working in synergy, everything will be different. First, the preparation before Kundalini awakening is done by the first-degree attunement that occurs just one day before the actual Kundalini awakening. The preparation consists of a light cleansing, removal of all knots in the chakras along the sushumna and the opening of the whole sushumna. This is already a big leap in cleansing.

Second, the Kundalini awakening itself is an instant one. The second-degree attunement in Reiki consists of shaktipat to awaken the Kundalini of every practitioner. The fire of the Kundalini will reach at least the navel chakra and the energy will burst out around 1.5 to 2 meters above the crown chakra!

Then, as all the chakra knots along the sushumna have already been removed, the whole sushumna is open, and both Kundalini and divine energies are working in synergy, you can expect much better and faster results. As the cleansing is done simultaneously at all chakras at once by two of the most powerful energies, you can expect to have the full cleansing done within years. This means that the core of your Kundalini can reach your crown chakra within only a few years. And we are not simply saying it. As you know, we are sharing with you how to be able to use your Inner Heart, the all-knowing part of you. As you will be able to use your Inner Heart within months of the initial learning, you will be able to monitor your Kundalini with your Inner Heart and discover all you need to know for your spiritual growth with your Inner Heart. The ability to use the Inner Heart is a luxury for every spiritual practitioner. Indeed, for us the Inner Heart is a must for spiritual growth. Without being able to use your Inner Heart, you may be doing things according to concepts or ideas, but they may not be the real truth. The real truth is known only by your Inner Heart.

Different Stages of Kundalini Process

Different Stages of Kundalini Process

Traditionally, there are four different stages in the Kundalini process:
   1. Awakening stage (arambha)
   2. Cleansing stage (ghata)
   3. Absorption stage (parichaya)
   4. Final stage (nishpatti)

1. Awakening stage (arambha):
Technically speaking, the Kundalini is considered awakened when the shell of the Kundalini is broken and so is the knot of the base chakra, normally referred to as the Brahma knot as this knot is very close to the Kundalini center.    

2. Cleansing stage (Ghata):
After the Kundalini energy opens the second big chakra knot at the heart chakra, the Wsynu knot, Kundalini energy can flow easier toward different parts of the body to do more thorough cleansing.

3. Absorption stage (Pacihaya):
At this stage, the cleansing is done in different body layers.

4. Final Stage (Nishpatti):
When the Kundalini opens the third and last big chakra knot at the ajna (third eye chakra), called the Rudra, the person is only one step away from getting the crown chakra open. As the crown chakra opens, one will be able to achieve self realization, cosmic realization, and then Yoga.